
Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $28.00.

Ionic Trace Minerals, Herbs, Enzymes, Minerals, & Sea Water

This combination of VITAMINS, MINERALS, AND ENZYMES are essential, and together serve as a key to unlock good health.  Workout contains an enzyme

complex from plant and microbial sources to support specific organ function and proper tissue repair. Joint inflammation may come from undigested proteins, fats, and colloidal mineral deposits that form uric acid crystals, causing agitation of the soft tissue.


This combination of nutrients was synergistically assembled:

Herbs:  Alfalfa stem/leaf, Yucca Shidigera (root), Devils Claw Root Extract, Devils Claw (root) extract, Burdock (root), Sarsaparilla (root), Hydrangea Stigasa (root), Reg Clover (blossom), Cayenne (fruit), Horsetail extract, Celery (seed).     

Minerals:  Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, Sodium, Potassium, plus all other 72 minerals found naturally occurring in sea water from Liquid Ionic Trace Minerals by Marine Minerals.  

Enzymes:  Proprietary blend of these enzymes:  Bromelain, Amylase, Protease, Lipase, Cellulase.